109.09 Reuse of an Application After Denial or Closing (AAM)

SR 23-17 Dated 04/23

Previous Policy


If an Application was Denied in Error

Reuse BFA Form 800, BFA Form 800Q, or an eApplication to open a denied application if the denial was an agency error.

The application date is the date the application was first filed. If the information on the application has changed, the individual must provide verification if required, and the worker must document all changes. Conduct another interview if necessary.


If a Case was Closed in Error

Reopen case if the closure was an agency error.

The application date on POA is the date of closure.  If any information has changed, the individual must provide verification if required, and the worker must document all changes.  Conduct another interview if necessary.


If an Application was Denied or Case Closed for Failure to Provide Verifications

Reuse the information from the original application and follow the Simplified Reapplication process if an application for assistance was denied or a case was closed due to failure to provide verification. The Simplified Reapplication process can be used when:

·         an applicant provides required verification within 30 days of the denial notice; or

·         a former recipient provides required verification within 10 days of the end of the advance notice period.

The applicant/former recipient must fill out the following information on a new BFA Form 800, Application for Assistance:

·         Name

·         Address

·         Program of Assistance requested

·         Signature

The FSS must briefly meet with the individual (in person or over the phone) to ensure:

·         The household still meets all program eligibility requirements;

·         All missing verifications have been received;

·         No additional programs have been requested; and

·         No additional changes in the case have occurred.

The date the simplified BFA Form 800 is filed is the new application date.


Example:        Original Application Date: 11/6

                        Interview Date: 11/9

                        Verification Due Date: 11/19

                        Application Denied: 11/20, no verifications provided


                           The applicant has until 12/20, 30 days from the date of the denial notice, to use the Simplified Application process.


Important: If any changes are reported from the original application or if any new programs are being requested, the Simplified Reapplication process cannot be used. A new complete application must be provided and the individual must participate in another interview.



References: He-W 601.01; He-W 601.03; 45 CFR 206.10; RSA 167:8, I; He-W 606.01