167.05 Losing Pickle Status (AAM)

SR 03-28 Dated 05/03

Previous Policy


Terminate medical assistance if the individual no longer meets Pickle criteria. The following are examples of how an individual may lose Pickle status:

• individual loses SSA;

• individual becomes eligible for and receives financial assistance;

• individual is no longer eligible as categorically needy for any reason other than income;

• individual is over income, even with the COLA deduction;

• individual receives any type of Home and Community-Based Care (HCBC) assistance, including HCBC-ECI/DD/ABD/IHS; or

• individual resides in a nursing facility.

If an individual loses Pickle status and then meets the criteria for Pickle again, recalculate the COLA income deduction beginning at the point Pickle criteria was met. Do not include the COLA deduction from the previous Pickle eligibility period.