155.01 Timely Notice SR 11-40, 10/11 (AAM-A)

Inform each individual of the need to review eligibility in order for benefits to be continued.

Notify individuals that they are required to participate in a regularly scheduled:

• face-to-face redetermination/recertification; or

• mail-in redetermination/recertification.

See PART 155, REDETERMINATION, for more information related to the face-to-face and mail-in redetermination process.

Face-To-Face Redetermination/Recertification

Individuals are notified that they are required to participate in a face-to-face redetermination/recertification via New HEIGHTS-generated CS0001, Interview Appointment Notice.

CS0001 advises the individual:

• that an eligibility interview has been scheduled;

• that the individual must call to reschedule if unable to attend the appointment and wishes to continue receiving benefits; and

• the effect that the individuals failure to attend may have on their benefits.

New HEIGHTS automatically sends CS0001 to the individual in the month prior to the month the redetermination is due.

For a face-to-face redetermination/recertification, the individual must:

• complete Form 800, Application for Assistance, or Form 800HR, HEIGHTS-generated Application for Assistance; and

• participate in a face-to-face interview.

Mail-In Redetermination/Recertification

The mail-in recertification/redetermination package is sent by the 15th of the month prior to the month the redetermination/recertification is due and includes:

• Form 771A, Nursing Facility Care Renewal, if the individual resides in a nursing facility, New HEIGHTS-generated CS0005, Mail-In Application for Redetermination, and a postage paid return envelope; or

• Form 800R, Application for Continued Eligibility for Financial, Medical, and Food Stamp Benefits, Form 811R, Your Rights and Responsibilities, New HEIGHTS-generated CS0005, Mail-In Application for Redetermination, and a postage paid return envelope.

Exception: QMB, QDWI, SLMB, and SLMB135 redeterminations for New Hampshire Housing Authority (NHHA) residents, or ServiceLink-assisted individuals who are applying for these programs, may continue to be submitted on Form 800Q, Assisted Application For Help With Medicare Costs Through the Medicare Savings Program.

To prevent delays in the redetermination/recertification process, by the 15th day of the last month of the redetermination/recertification period, individuals must:

• complete and return Form 800R with all needed verifications; or

• complete and return Form 771A.

Individuals eligible to participate in the mail-in redetermination/recertification process are not required to participate in a face-to-face interview. However, an interview must be granted if one is requested.

Exception: Require a face-to-face interview for individuals who do not fully complete Form 800R, but at minimum provide their name, address, program of requested assistance, and a signature.

When verification is not sufficient or not provided in the mail-in redetermination process, send New HEIGHTS-generated AE0055, Proof Needed to Determine Your Assistance. If New HEIGHTS is unavailable, use paper backup Form 808, Proof Needed to Determine Your Assistance.