209.03 SGA Adjustments Since 2000 SR 17-01, 01/17 (AAM-A)

Use the following Substantial Gainful Activity (SGA) increases to determine the earned income limits for working disabled individuals beginning with the year 2000.

2000 $700




2001 $740




2002 $780




2003 $800




2004 $810




2005 $830




2006 $860




2007 $900




2008 $940




2009 $980




2010 $1,000




2011 $1,000




2012 $1,010




2013 $1,040




2014 $1,070




2015 $1,090




2016 $1,130




2017 $1,170




References: 20 CFR 404.1574(b), 20 CFR 404.1575(c), 20 CFR 404.1584(d), 20 CFR 416.974(b), 20 CFR 416.975(c)