Medicaid for Employed Adults with Disabilities (MEAD) provides categorically needy medical assistance to certain disabled working individuals between the ages of 18 and 64, who meet the general and technical eligibility requirements for APTD or ANB medical assistance, except for income and/or resources. Individuals may be required to pay a health insurance premium (See Section 210.13, MEAD Premium Requirements).

To be eligible for MEAD, applicants must:

• meet MEAD medical disability criteria (see Section 210.01, MEAD Medical Criteria);

• meet MEAD employment requirements (see Section 210.03, MEAD Employment-Related Requirements);

• meet all general and technical requirements for other adult categories of medical assistance (see Chapter 300, NONFINANCIAL CRITERIA);

• be between ages 18 and 64. MEAD eligibility ends when the individual turns 65, at which time the individual is automatically evaluated for OAA/MA eligibility;

• meet MEAD income requirements (see Section 210.07, MEAD Income Requirements); and

• meet MEAD resource requirements (see Section 407.01, Financial and Categorically Needy Medical Assistance); and

• enroll in cost-free insurance if offered by the individuals employer (see Section 210.03, MEAD Employment-Related Requirements).

Eligibility for all other categories of medical assistance, including APTD/ANB cash and/or medical assistance, Pickle and 1619 coverage, are reviewed first. Eligibility for MEAD is reviewed only when the individual:

• fails to meet the medical criteria for APTD/ANB; and/or

• fails to meet the income or resource requirements for other medical assistance programs.

Individuals who are ineligible for APTD or ANB medical assistance due to excess income have the option to choose MEAD or In and Out.