307 INSTITUTIONS SR 94-04, 04/94 (AAM-A)

Inpatients of public or private institutions, which primarily treat tuberculosis or mental or emotional disorders, are not eligible for benefits.

Exceptions: All of the following institutionalized individuals may be eligible for assistance, if all other eligibility requirements are met:

• individuals at public institutions who physically reside outside the institution, even if they are under the general supervision of the institution,

• inpatients at the medical/surgical unit of the NH State Hospital,

• adults in residential care facilities and community residences,

• inpatients 65 years of age or older residing at NH Hospital at the Intermediate Care Facility Unit for Mental Disease (ICF/MD),

• patients under 22 years of age at the following designated receiving facilities:

- Acute Psychiatric Services Unit at NH Hospital, and

- Anna Philbrook Center.

• patients at the psychiatric unit of the Dartmouth College-Mary Hitchcock Medical Center,

• children in licensed foster homes, group homes, nonprofit private child care institutions, or public child care institutions with less than 25 children, and

• children participating in the special education program at the Tobey Building (DCYS).