623.03 HCBC-DD Medical Assistance SR 96-16, 03/96 (AAM-A)

Individuals requesting HCBC-DD medical assistance-only are always considered an assistance group of 1. Use the following steps to determine if the individual is income-eligible.

1. Subtract the following from the gross earned income:

- Employment Expense Disregard (EED) for OAA and ANB individuals.

- Earned Income Disregard (EID) for APTD individuals.

 The result is net earned income.

2. Add countable gross unearned income to net earned income. The result is net income.*

 Exception: Do not include the VA Aid and Attendance Allowance in this step.

3. Subtract any allowable deductions. See Part 605, Deductions. The result is net income.

 Exception: Do not allow allocated income as a deduction in this step.

4. Compare net income to the monthly cost of HCBC-DD services. See Form 517-B, Area Agency Information Release to DHS District Office.

- If net income is below the cost of HCBC-DD services, determine the individuals cost of care. See Section 623.05, Cost of Care: HCBC-DD Medical Assistance.

- If net income is exceeds the cost of HCBC-DD services. See Part 625, In and Out Medical Assistance, to determine potential In and Out eligibility.