627.05 Allocation to Dependents Who Reside with the Community Spouse SR 02-15, 07/02 (AAM-A)

Allow an individual to allocate income to dependents who reside with the community spouse, provided the institutionalized individual has a community spouse and meets all of the requirements in Section 627.03, Allocation to a Community Spouse.

Consider an individual a dependent if they meet all of the following:

• reside with the community spouse; and

• can be claimed as a legal dependent on IRS tax returns as specified in IRS Form 501, Exemptions, Standard Deduction and Filing Information; and

• is one of the following:

- natural or adoptive parents of either spouse;

- minor or dependent natural or adoptive children of either spouse; or

- sibling of either spouse (including half-, step-, and siblings from legal adoption).


Steps to Allocate Income to a Dependent who Resides with the Community Spouse

- Use Form 799, Spousal Income Protection, and Form 799A, Income Computation Worksheet for Allocation of Income for Institutionalized Individuals with Community Spouses/Family Members.

- Follow the step-by-step procedures.

1.  Determine the dependents available gross countable income.

2.  Subtract the dependents countable gross income from $1,493.

 (If the dependents income is higher than $1,493, do not allocate.)

3.  Divide the result by 3.

4.  The result is the dependent allowance.

5.  Repeat Steps 1 through 4 for each dependent to determine the allowance for each dependent.

6.  Add all the dependents allowances together. The total is the family allowance.

7.  Subtract the total family allowance from the institutionalized individuals available income that is subject to allocation.

 The available income subject to allocation was determined in Section 627.03, Allocation to a Community Spouse, Step 7.

8.  The result in Step 7 is the maximum amount of income to allocate to the dependents.

9.  Allocate the institutionalized individuals income that is subject to allocation. The institutionalized individual must allocate their income to dependents residing with the community spouse, when there is income available to allocate. The institutionalized individual cannot refuse to allocate.