627.11 Verification: Allocated Income SR 94-04, 04/04 (AAM-A)

Verify the need and amount of allocated income when a request for allocation is made, at redeterminations, and whenever there is a change in the amount.

Do not allocate income if the individual refuses or fails to verify a claimed allocation.

Acceptable verification must document the following, if appropriate to the type of allocation:

• Relationship to individual.

- Community spouse or legal dependent.

• Living arrangement of the community spouse or dependents.

• Type, amount, and frequency of income of the community spouse or dependents.

• Actual expenses that are:

- incurred or to be incurred during the first and last month of institutionalization,

- necessary to maintain the home for the individuals temporary institutionalization, or

- shelter costs of the community spouse.

• If institutionalized, verify:

- the need for institutionalized care,

- the length of time the individual is likely to be institutionalized,

- that the institution is appropriate. See Section 627.03.

• Court support order against institutionalized individual.