631.03 Rate and Method of Recoupment SR 94-04, 04/94 (AAM-A)

See SR 98-50 dated 8/98 for changes to this policy applicable only to Concord D.O. pilot implementation of New HEIGHTS.


Recoup all overpayments of financial assistance as follows:

• Determine 10% of the assistance groups standard of need.

• The result is the maximum monthly amount that can be recouped from the assistance group.

- Individuals may request more rapid repayment or make additional payments on their own.

- The percentage can be slightly less than 10% in order to equalize payments for the period.

 Exception: Overpayment to individuals in residential care facilities and community residences may be recouped at an amount less than 10% of the standard of need as recommended by the Division of Elderly and Adult Services, the Division of Behavioral Health, or the Division of Developmental Services.

• Complete Form 205, Notice of Underpayment or Overpayment, and Form 810, Notice of Rights and Responsibilities, to notify the individual of the amount and circumstances of the overpayment.

• Request repayment in full or in part and/or reduce the monthly grant.

• Request repayment of the outstanding overpayment when the case is closed prior to full recoupment.

- Suspend the recoupment until the individual becomes eligible for financial assistance again, if the individual refuses to pay the full outstanding overpayment.

• Divide the maximum monthly recoupment amount by 2 and enter the per check amount according to procedures in EMS Handbook.

- If the per check amount reduces the recipients check to less than $1.00, enter a smaller recoupment amount in order to maintain a $1.00 minimum check.

- Request repayment of the leftover portion. If the individual refuses, extend the repayment period.

• Recalculate the rate of recoupment anytime the individuals standard of need changes.

- Issue a new Form 205 and Form 810. Do not give an advance notice period.