Glossary P-words SR 94-04, 04/94 (AAM-A)

Parent — A biological, adoptive, or stepparent, or an individual acting in the place of a parent, such as a foster parent or legal guardian.

Parolee — An alien admitted to the U.S. at the discretion of the U.S. Attorney General for emergency reasons in the public interest.

Part-time child care — Six or fewer hours of child day care services in one day.

Payment from a trust — Any disbursal from the principal of a trust, or from income generated by a trust, which benefits the party receiving it, regardless of whether the benefit is actual cash, or noncash, or property disbursements, such as the right to use and occupy real property.

Penalty date — The first date upon which a penalty for transfer of assets for less than fair market value can be assessed.

Penalty period — The length of time during which payment for institutionalized medical services is denied.

Permanent resident under color of law — An alien who is residing in the U.S. with the knowledge and permission of the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) and whose deportation is not contemplated by the INS.

Personal interview — A face-to-face conference between the individual or an authorized representative and the case technician.

Personal property — A form of cash or an item which can be converted to cash, i.e., liquid asset.

Private institution — A facility which provides shelter, custody, or care to two or more persons and is managed entirely or partially by private funds.

Protected income level (PIL) — The amount that net income is compared to, in determining eligibility for medically needy medical assistance for all non-nursing facility cases and In and Out Medical Assistance cases.

Provider — Any individual, public or private organization supplying day care services.

Public institution — A facility which affords shelter, custody, or care to two or more persons and is managed entirely or partially by any public instrumentality, official, or employee acting in an official capacity.