Legal Resources

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I need an attorney; will DHHS represent me?

NH DHHS does not offer legal services to the public.  However, there are a number of organizations that can get you in contact with an appropriate attorney for your case, some of which offer reduced-cost or pro bono (free) services.


Lawyer Referral Services

New Hampshire Bar Association
Lawyer Referral Service
2 Pillsbury Street, Suite 300
Concord, NH 03301
Tel: 603-229-0002

603 Legal Aid
93 North State Street
Concord, NH 03301
Tel: 603-224-3333
Toll Free: 800-639-5290


Low-Cost and Pro-Bono Legal Assistance

**Please note that there are eligibility requirements for low-cost or free legal assistance.  Please contact each organization for more details on their application process.**

Justice in Aging Project
New Hampshire Legal Assistance
Tel: 603-624-6000
Toll Free: 1-888-353-9944

603 Legal Aid
93 North State Street
Concord, NH 03301
Tel: 603-224-3333
Toll Free: 800-639-5290

Disabilities Rights Center
64 N. Main Street, Suite 2
Concord, NH 03301
Tel: 603-227-0432
Toll Free: 800-834-1721

Modest Means Program
NH Bar Association
Tel: 603-715-3290