134.13 Reasons for Termination of an Extension (FAM)

SR 22-26 Dated 09/22

Previous Policy


A FANF Hardship Extension may be terminated for any of the reasons cited below:

• the assistance group (AG) becomes ineligible for FANF;

• the AG reports, or the Department becomes aware of, a change in circumstances that makes the AG ineligible for the hardship criterion on which the extension was based;

• a member of the AG who is required to participate in NHEP work program activities fails or refuses to comply with NHEP work requirements without good cause;

• the AG receives the full 12 benefit payments and has not requested an additional FANF Hardship Extension; or

• the AG requests that its case be closed.

If the case is closed before the end of the 6-month FANF Hardship Extension period, any remaining payroll periods cannot be carried over to a future FANF Hardship Extension.


References: He-W 602.09; He-W 602.14