209.13 Family Services Specialist (FSS) Determines Incapacity (FAM)

SR 19-28 Dated 06/19

Previous Policy


The Family Services Specialist (FSS) makes the determination of incapacity.


The child or children are automatically considered to be deprived of support or care due to a parent’s physical or mental incapacity when the applicant:

If the incapacity meets the 30-day minimum time period but no longer exists or ends before an application can be processed within time frames, the case may be eligible for financial assistance for the month in which the determination was made and for the next full calendar month, unless the individual requests an earlier termination of assistance or refuses, or fails, to submit the information requested on the necessary medical eligibility determination forms.


References: He-W 627.01; He-W 628.02; 45 CFR 233.90