315.05 Sanctions/Disqualifications for Voluntary Quit (FAM)

SR 03-40 Dated 12/03

Previous Policy


Applicants or recipients determined to have voluntarily quit a job without good cause are sanctioned. To determine if an individual has voluntarily quit a job without good cause and how to apply sanctions for a voluntary quit, refer to the following sections of the FAM:

• 315.01, Definition of Voluntary Quit;

• 315.03, Good Cause for Voluntary Quit;

• 808.33, Conciliation Process; and

• 808.35, Sanctions for Voluntary Quit or Failure/Refusal to Cooperate with NHEP Work Program Participation Requirements.


Exception: A sanction for voluntary quit must not be applied when the parent or caretaker relative lacks the means to immediately come into compliance. Documentation may be required to make this determination.


An individual voluntarily quits a job within 60 days of application without good cause. However, at application, the individual furnishes proof of a recently acquired disability that prevents the individual from immediate participation in a work activity that would remove the sanction (see below). In this case, the individual is not sanctioned.

Individuals sanctioned for voluntary quit remain eligible for all employment-related deductions and disregards, including the earned income disregard.
