703.13 When Expenses Exceed Maximum Allowable Amounts (FAM)

SR 15-15 Dated 06/15

Previous Policy


If the individuals needs are in excess of the maximum amounts listed in Section 703.07 , Emergency Assistance Payments for Permanent Housing—even after applying the assistance group’s countable resources over $250—authorize additional funds according to the criteria below.

Rental and utility security deposits: Authorize up to the maximum for the security deposit if the applicant can show one of the following:

• the remainder of the deposit can be obtained;

• a payment plan has been arranged for the balance of the deposit; or

• the Emergency Assistance payment alone will secure the housing or utility service.

Rent, utility, or mortgage arrearages: Authorize up to the maximum if an applicant can demonstrate one of the following:

• the arrearage in excess of 2 months can be obtained;

• payment of a two-month portion will prevent eviction, foreclosure, or termination of utilities; or

• a payment plan has been arranged for the remainder of the arrearage.

Home Heating Fuel deliveries: Authorize up to the maximum for home heating fuel deliveries if the applicant can show one of the following:

• the remainder of the cost will be secured;

• a payment plan has been arranged with the home heating fuel company for the remainder of the cost; or

• the payment authorized will secure a current home heating fuel delivery.

Monthly rent: When monthly rent is greater than *100% of the assistance group’s monthly income, authorize up to the maximum if the applicant can provide a signed and dated statement from an outside source who declares an intent to help the applicant meet the monthly payment.

Mortgage Payments: When monthly mortgage payments are greater than the assistance group’s monthly income, authorize up to the maximum if the applicant can provide a signed and dated statement from an outside source who declares an intent to help the applicant meet the monthly payment.


References: He-W 606.104(a)(6)&(b), He-W 699.05(f),(g),& (i)(3), RSA 167:7,V, RSA 167:83,I(c), 45 CFR 233.120