808.39 Job Skills Training Directly Related To Employment (FAM)

SR 08-23 Dated 10/08

Previous Policy


This activity counts as a secondary activity. Job skills training directly related to employment may be approved for up to 10 hours to provide training and/or education for skills required by an employer. This activity must be supervised daily.


The activity must provide the participant with the ability to:

       Obtain employment;

       To advance employment; or

       To adapt to the changing demands of the workplace.


The countable hours must be verified and documented on a bi-weekly basis, participants must submit Form NHEP266, NHEP Education/Training Activities Verification Form, or other verifications approved by NHEP to be signed by the education or training organization and returned to the NHEP representative.


To determine actual hours of weekly participation, count:

       the actual hours spent in the classroom;

       total study time (both supervised and unsupervised) that does not exceed the maximum recommended by the institution; and

       one hour of unsupervised study time for every hour of classroom time.


References: He-W 637’s; RSA 167:77; RSA 167:85; RSA 167:90; RSA 167:91; 45 CFR 261.2; 45 CFR 261.30; 45 CFR 261.31; 42 USC 607


Editorial Revisions Made: 12/2023