808.41 Case Management (FAM)

SR 06-12 Dated 10/06

Previous Policy


Case management is a systematic, individual-centered, goal-oriented approach to working with NHEP participants. Case management is provided by NHEP team members to coordinate the multiple services available and is necessary for participants to achieve self-sufficiency, reduce dependency on public assistance, and strengthen family life. Case management is considered a key support service of the NHEP.


The major functions of case management are:

 • assessment of an individual’s skills, aptitudes, strengths, and needs;

 • development of a detailed, realistic employability plan;

 • arrangement and coordination of services to support the employability plan; and

 • follow-up efforts to provide on-going assessment and support, and to evaluate outcomes.


After an individual has been referred to the NHEP team, case management begins and is a responsibility shared by all team members for the duration of an individual’s participation.


Exception: Participants receiving services under the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) of 1998 must have WIA services managed by the WIA case manager. Other team members may continue to manage the case and coordinate additional services with the WIA manager.


References: RSA 167:77; RSA 167:85; RSA 167:86; He-W 655’s