922 Mental Health or Substance Misuse Treatment Program For a Recipient of NHEP or FAP (FAM)

SR 20-23 Dated 08/20



Allow payment for NH Child Care Scholarship to parents, who are an eligible adult recipient of the New Hampshire Employment Program (NHEP) or the Family Assistance Program (FAP) cash and participating in a Mental Health (MH) or Substance Misuse (SM) treatment program, The adult must be an eligible recipient, not the child.


A Mental Health (MH) or Substance Misuse (SM) treatment program is not an approved activity for a parent receiving Interim Disabled Parent (IDP) or Families With Older Children (FWOC) cash. See Section 922.03, Required Verification.


A parent participating MH or SM are allowed simultaneously in other approved activities.


References: He-C 6910.07(f)(6) RSA 161:2,XII, RSA 167:83,II, 45 CFR 98.20