926 Continued Assistance During the 12-Month Eligibility Period (FAM)

SR 20-23 Dated 08/20

Previous Policy


During the 12-month eligibility period allow Continued assistance for up to 92 calendar days for each parent when they indicate they are no longer participating or do not intend to participate in an approved activity.


Continued assistance is not allowed at initial application.


Continued assistance is not allowed to begin on the redetermination month.


The level of service authorized for the activity prior to the Continued assistance will remain the same during the Continued assistance period, unless the parent(s) requests a decrease.


On or before the 92nd day of Continued assistance, if the parent reports and verifies an approved activity, the cost share is re-calculated and may change but cannot exceed the family cap amount determined at the most recent 12-month eligibility determination and the 12-month eligibility certification will continue.


A parent cannot request an increase in service level during Continued assistance. A parent may request a decrease in service level at any time.


If at the end of the 92nd day of Continued assistance there is no approved activity verified, the child care case will close on the 92nd day even if the 92nd day rolls into the next eligibility period.


If both parents are authorized for Continued assistance, but began Continued assistance on different dates, the NH Child Care Scholarship will terminate on the date which is the end of the earlier 92 day period, if one or both parents do not re-engage in an approved activity during Continued assistance.


If a parent is approved for Continued assistance during the last quarter of the 12-month eligibility period, the parent must complete the redetermination process. If a parent completes a redetermination and reports they are still in Continued assistance the 92-calendar day clock will take precedence over the new 12-month eligibility period. The family cap, cost share and service level will remain the same. If the parent does not reengage in an approved activity during Continued assistance, child care closes on the 92nd day.  


If a parent verifies any approved activity during Continued assistance after the redetermination month is completed, the family cap, cost share, and service level will be re-calculated and a new 12-month eligibility certification period will begin effective the date of the new activity. Since a new 12-month eligibility certification period begins again the family cap, cost share, and service level is recalculated.


Continued assistance and Job search can be authorized back-to-back, but is limited to 92 calendar days total.  When the 92-calendar day clock is exhausted, the system will automatically end date the activity and the child care case will close if there is no other approved activity.


A parent is allowed to go from Continued assistance to Job search or Job search to Continued assistance, but will only be given up to 92 calendar days total if there is no other approved activity in between.



          Job Search: 3/1 – 5/1 = 62 days

          Continued Assistance: 5/2 – 5/11 = 10 days (72 days total used)

          Job Search: 5/12 – 5/28 = 17 days (89 days total used)

          Continued Assistance: 5/28 – 5/31 = 92 days total

Parent reports effective 5/28 no longer job searching. Child care closes on 5/31 because the 92  calendar days have been used.


 References: He-C 6910.10(u) and (v), He-C 6910.13 (a)(1)-(4), RSA 167:83,II(c) and (o), 45 CFR 98.20