109.01 Filing an Application SR 03-30, 08/03 (FAM-A)

Accept an application as valid if it contains a request for program(s) of assistance, the applicants name and address, and the signature of the applicant or an authorized representative acting on behalf of the applicant. Individuals have the right to file an application on the same day they contact the District Office.

If the application is received in the wrong office, date stamp it and forward the form to the appropriate office on the same day.

Exception: Process the Food Stamp portion of the application immediately for applications received in the wrong D.O. if the case meets the criteria for Expedited Food Stamps described below.

If the individual contacts the wrong office, either in person or by telephone, do all of the following:

• give them the address and telephone number of the correct office; and/or

• offer an opportunity to complete an application and forward it to the correct office on the same day. The form must contain the minimum information necessary to be considered a valid application.

When a resident of an institution applies prior to leaving the institution, the filing date of the application will be the date the applicant is released from the institution.




• Provide the individual with Form 800, Application for Assistance, upon request.

• Assist the applicant in completing the form, if requested.

• When the client returns the application, review to ensure the application is valid (e.g. it contains the applicants name, address and signature as well as program(s) of assistance requested, as indicated above), and then date stamp the application.

• Provide the applicant with Form 800A, Programs & Services Guide, which contains Form 800AA, Programs & Services Guide Insert, and any additional needed forms such as:

- the child support packet (Forms 725, 754B, 773, etc.);

- Form 177, Non-Medical Evaluation of Disability;

- the EFT pamphlet;

- the child care packet (Forms 251, 253, and AW-9); and/or

- other forms that may pertain to the type of assistance requested.

• Complete the "Agency Use Only" sections of the Form 800.

• If the client will be interviewed during normal interview hours, create a case file for the client or retrieve the clients file from storage, place the client on the interview rotation list, and notify the FSS next in rotation.

• If the individual cannot stay for an interview or has arrived after interview hours have ended:

- review the Form 800 and ensure that the application is complete;

- follow District Office procedures and review for expedited Food Stamps (see section below titled Expedited Food Stamps);

- fill out the "Agency Use Only" section on the back of the coversheet of the Form 800 and give it to the client;

- provide the client with Form 800AN, Applicant Notice, requesting they return for an interview within 30 days with the listed proofs. Explain that the application will be denied if the client does not return for the interview within 30 days;

- do Client Registration (CR) according to District Office procedures. Do not print out the Form 800H at the conclusion of CR as the completed and signed Form 800 is the clients official application for assistance. However, enter the Client Registration RFA number in the "Agency Use Only" section at the bottom of the last page of the application for future reference;

- create a case file for the client or retrieve the clients file from storage; and

- file in appropriate area until the client returns for an interview, or for 30 days, whichever comes first.


Expedited Food Stamps


Households that meet all eligibility criteria for the Food Stamp program may be entitled to expedited service if one of the following circumstances applies on the date of application:

• gross monthly income is less than $150 and the countable liquid resources are $100 or less; or

• rent/mortgage and utility expenses are in excess of the applicants combined monthly gross income and liquid resources.

Note: If resources exceed $2,000, or $3,000 if a household member is disabled or over the age of 60, the applicant is not eligible for Food Stamps.

If the applicant is eligible for expedited Food Stamps, a full interview will be conducted on the same day that the application is filed.
