109.01 Filing an Application SR 94-50, 09/94 (FAM-A)

Individuals have the right to file an application on the same day they contact the District Office. Advise individuals that they may file the application before an interview is conducted.

Assist individuals in completing Form 800, if they request help.

Accept Form 800 and 800P if it contains a request for assistance, the applicants name and address, and:

the signature of the applicant or, if the applicant is incapacitated or incompetent, the signature of an authorized representative or other responsible person acting on behalf of the applicant.

• Calculate time frames for determining eligibility and providing benefits from the date the application is filed in the correct District Office. See Parts 117 and 123 for time frames.

• If the application is filed in the correct office, stamp the application with the date of receipt.

• If the individual mails the application to the wrong office, date stamp and forward the form to the appropriate office on the same day. See the General Manual, Item 39, Catchment Areas.

• If the individual contacts the wrong office, either in person or by telephone, do all of the following:

- give them the address and telephone number of the correct office,

- offer to forward the application to the correct office on the same day. The form must contain the minimum information necessary for filing an application

When a resident of an institution applies prior to leaving the institution, the filing date of the application is the date the applicant is released from the institution.