109.03 When the Application Is Filed SR 04-04, 05/04 (FAM-A)

The time frames for processing the application begin with the date the Form 800, Application for Assistance, is filed. Interview the individual, or schedule an interview appointment, as soon as possible.

Exception: Process medical coverage applications filed on Form 800P, Application for New Hampshire Healthy Kids Medical Insurance or Medical Coverage for Pregnant Women, without requiring a face-to-face interview.

Conduct a face-to-face meeting with the applicant; ask key eligibility questions to determine if the applicant is:

§   potentially eligible for assistance;

§   potentially eligible for some, but not all assistance requested; or

§   is in need of referrals to other agencies for their services.

Use Form 811, Interview Worksheet, in conjunction with Form 800 to review client information. During the face-to-face meeting with the client use Form 811 to document any information that may help clarify the information that is on Form 800. Form 811 is mandatory and must be used with Form 800. Do not enter data into New HEIGHTS during the face-to-face meeting with the applicant.

Applicant is Determined NOT Eligible During the Face-to-Face Meeting

If the client is found ineligible for all programs of assistance requested after the face-to-face meeting:

• discuss the reason(s) why the individual is ineligible for assistance. Refer the individual to a community, state, or federal agency that may be able to assist them;

• fill out the "Agency Use Only" section on the back of the coversheet of the Form 800 then give to the client;

• deny the application in Client Registration;

• at the "Conclude Interview" screen, RFA Status Information, change Status to "Denied" and choose the most appropriate denial code;

• add case comments to indicate why the applicant is not eligible;

• print case comments; and

• complete Form 811, Interview Worksheet, as needed, and file in the clients record.

Applicant is Determined POTENTIALLY Eligible During the Face-to-Face Meeting

If it is determined during the face-to-face meeting that the client is eligible for one or more of the programs requested, the FSS will:

• complete the shortened Client Registration at the conclusion of the face-to-face meeting, and proceed with the interactive interview in Application Entry; and

• act upon every program of assistance requested by the client because Form 800 is an official application. If the applicant is eligible for some but not all programs, do a partial denial of the program(s) requested in the Program of Assistance, Request Assistance Summary screen.

Completion of Interview

At the completion of the interview, FSS will:

• fill out the "Agency Use Only" section on the back of the coversheet of the Form 800 then give to the client;

• generate the Form 811H, Eligibility Interview Summary, (EIS);

• review the Your Rights and Responsibilities pages of the EIS;

• review EACH statement on the EIS Statements of Understanding page;

• have the client initial and sign in appropriate spaces on the EIS Statements of Understanding page;

• sign and date in the spaces provided once the client has signed;

• provide the applicant with the information packet. The contents of the packet will be based on the programs of assistance for which the client is found eligible, but will also include the following:

- appropriate forms to be filled out by the client;

- resources list (a list of other agencies that may be able to assist the client);

- return envelope(s);

- various program forms and informational pamphlets;

- pages 1 and 2 of Form 800 (the coversheet);

- theYour Rights and Responsibilities pages of the EIS;

- NHEP information for TANF cash;

- referrals;

- the verification checklist;

- the FSS business card; and

• complete Form 811, Interview Worksheet, as needed, and file in clients record.

Prior to ending the interview, review the following with the applicant:

• providing verifications. Review all of the verifications that need to be provided to the District Office. Emphasize that the verifications need to be provided as soon as possible so that a decision about eligibility can by made;

• reporting changes. Explain the types of changes the client needs to report and when, as well as the importance of reporting these changes to the District Office in a timely manner;

• the NHEP referral process. If the client is applying for TANF cash assistance, ensure that the client is aware of the NHEP referral process, is given the NHEP information packet, and is referred to NHEP;

• who determines eligibility. If the client is applying for APTD, ANB, HCBC, HC-CSD or Nursing Home Care, explain that DFA determines eligibility based on financial and non-financial criteria, but another division will determine eligibility based on an independent medical decision; and

• the clients right to appeal a decision. Explain to the client that if the client does not agree with DFAs decision, then he or she has the option to file an appeal with the Administrative Appeals Unit or through the District Office.