109.03 When the Application Is Filed SR 98-51, 12/98 (FAM-A)

The time frames for processing the application begin with the date the Request for Assistance (RFA) is filed. Interview the individual, or schedule an interview appointment, as soon as possible.

Exception: Process medical coverage applications filed on Form 800P without requiring a face-to-face interview.

Application Entry (AE)

Following Client Registration (CR), most applicants are required to participate in a detailed interactive AE eligibility interview with a Case Technician. District Offices must make every effort to conduct both CR and AE in the same interview setting, presenting a "seamless" interview experience for the applicant.

During the AE interview, Case Technicians will explore all aspects of eligibility with applicants for the programs of assistance requested.

• During the AE interview, if the client requests an additional program of assistance not requested in CR, the Case Technician must

- make the appropriate entry on the Program of Assistance screen in New HEIGHTS,

- print another Form 800H for the clients signature, and

- retain the revised Form 800H in the case record along with the initial Form 800H to preserve a record of the official Filing Date of the new program of assistance.

• At the conclusion of the AE interview, New HEIGHTS produces Form 811H, Eligibility Interview Summary. Review Form 811H with the applicant, and instruct applicants to initial each item on the signature page before signing it.

• If the applicant or the Case Technician discovers an error or omission in the Form 811H, return to the appropriate New HEIGHTS screen, enter the appropriate data and reprint the form 811H for the client to review and sign.

• At the conclusion of the AE interview, review Forms 800HC and 811R with the applicant. Sign and date Form 800HC to signify that the applicant has completed the application process.


Exception: If, at any point during the eligibility determination process, verification is obtained that establishes that the case is ineligible, deny the application, and document the reason for the denial.