123.01 Initiation of Medical Assistance SR 04-04, 05/04 (FAM-A)


Medical assistance begins on the date of application if all eligibility requirements are met. Applications are made using Form 800, Application for Assistance, * Form 800P, Application for New Hampshire Healthy Kids Medical Insurance or Medical Coverage for Pregnant Women, or Form 779, Application for Retroactive Medical Assistance.


• Healthy Kids-Gold medical coverage for newborns begins on their birth date, if all eligibility factors are met on that date.

• Medical assistance for recipients of Refugee Medical Assistance and 1619 certified individuals begins on the first of the month in which all eligibility requirements are met.

• Medical assistance for an individual being added to an existing group begins on the date on which the individual meets all eligibility factors.

• In and Out medical assistance begins on the day of the month on which the spenddown is met. See Part 617, In and Out Medical Assistance.

• Medical assistance for individuals being released from a public institution begins on the date of their release.

• Medical assistance can be retroactive up to 3 months preceding the application date when permitted by policy.

• Individuals found presumptively eligible for Healthy Kids-Gold medical coverage (HKG-185 or HKG-300 only) or Medical Coverage for Pregnant Women must be opened for benefits within 5 days of receipt of Form 800P by the District Office, unless, upon review, the District Office determines that:

the presumptive eligibility decision was in error; or

the individual has had consecutive presumptive eligibility determinations without an intervening period of receipt of medical assistance for which the District Office has conducted a full eligibility determination and verified all pertinent eligibility criteria.