127 INTERVIEWS SR 12-22 Dated 04/12 (FAM-A)

Interviews are official and confidential discussions of household circumstances. The worker must do all of the following:

• evaluate all available information, including any existing case record;

• resolve any unclear or incomplete information;

• inform individuals of their rights and responsibilities; and

• provide information about program policies and procedures.

Conduct an interview prior to each initial determination.

Cases redetermined/recertified via the mail-in or online redetermination/recertification process are not required to have an interview, however one must be granted if it is requested. (see PART 161, REDETERMINATION/RECERTIFICATION and Section 161.01, Timely Notice).

Exception: If the information provided for an initial determination of eligibility establishes that the individual is ineligible, the worker may deny the case without an interview.

The worker may also require an interview as a result of reported changes or the discovery of conflicting information regarding eligibility criteria.