If more information or verification is needed to complete the application, allow the individual at least 10 calendar days to provide it.

Give the individual Form 808, Proof Needed to Determine Your Assistance, explaining what information is needed and the date the information is due.

If the individual does not provide the information or verification by the due date, deny the application on the due date.


• If the eligibility factor in question does not affect the eligibility of the entire case, disqualify the ineligible member(s) and open the remaining members.

• If the assistance is being denied due to lack of verification and the individual provides all the required verification within 30 days of the date of the denial notice:

- have the individual fill out the paper version of the HEIGHTS Application Form, Form 800HP, with their name, address, program of assistance, and signature;

- ensure that no other changes have occurred in the case that would affect eligibility and that no new program services have been requested on the Form 800HP other than those which were originally denied; and

if the individual continues to meet all program eligibility requirements, generate financial and medical benefits in accordance with PART 123, BENEFIT DELIVERY TIMEFRAMES.