TANF cases do not have certification periods. Cases remain eligible until they are determined ineligible.

60-Month Lifetime Limit on Receipt of TANF Financial Assistance

Individuals who receive TANF financial assistance as an adult, minor casehead, or minor spouse of the casehead are restricted to a 60-month (120 payroll period) lifetime limit on receipt of financial assistance. Any payroll periods in which TANF financial assistance is received while a dependent child are not counted toward the lifetime limit. The 60 months do not have to be consecutive. The limit applies :

• regardless of the state or states in which TANF benefits were received; See FAM 303.09 , Out-of State Recipient Moves into New Hampshire; and

• only to financial assistance benefits funded under a states TANF block grant.

Exception: Certain TANF assistance groups may have eligibility extended beyond the 60 month. See FAM 134, HARDSHIP EXTENSIONS TO THE TANF 60 MONTH LIFETIME LIMIT.

Eligibility for other assistance programs, including Medicaid and Food Stamps, is not connected to the TANF time limit. Families whose TANF eligibility ends due to the time limit must have eligibility for other assistance programs determined independently of TANF eligibility.
