TANF cases do not have certification periods. Cases remain eligible until they are determined ineligible.

60 Month Lifetime Limit on TANF Receipt

All TANF recipients are subject to a 60 month lifetime limit on receipt of financial assistance. The 60 months do not have to be consecutive. The limit applies to benefits received under the New Hampshire Employment Program (NHEP), and the Family Assistance Program (FAP).

Exception: Families that include an individual who has been battered or subject to extreme cruelty are not subject to the 60 month time limit. This means that the individual has been subjected to:

• physical acts that resulted in or threatened to result in physical injury to the individual.

• sexual abuse

• sexual activity involving a dependent child.

• being forced as the caretaker relative of a dependent child to engage in nonconsensual sexual acts or activities

• threats or attempts at, physical or sexual abuse

• mental abuse, or

• neglect or deprivation of medical care

Acceptable documentation can include: court, medical criminal, child protective services, social services, psychological or law enforcement records; a written statement from a public or licensed private social agency; or sworn statements from individuals, other than family members, knowledgeable or the circumstances.