134.01 General Requirements SR 01-11, 04/01 (FAM-A)

To qualify for an extension of NHEP eligibility due to a hardship, an NHEP assistance group must:

• participate in a Hardship Review Interview and make an official request for hardship extension on Form 785 (see FAM 134.09);

• provide all required verification of the hardship condition within required timeframes;

• be approved for an extension due to hardship by the Department;

• have no member of the AG under sanction for failure to comply with NHEP work requirements;

• have no member of the AG disqualified from receiving TANF due to committing an Intentional Program Violation; and

• meet all general, technical, categorical, and financial requirements for TANF financial assistance on the day an extension begins.

FAP assistance groups are permanently exempt from the 60 month life time limit and are not required to participate in the Hardship Review Interview process.