141.03 No ANP Required SR 94-04, 04/94 (FAM-A)

There is no ANP when any of the following circumstances result in termination of assistance, decreases in the level of eligibility, or decreases in the amount of benefits:

• The individual provides a written, signed request to terminate assistance.

• Individuals provide information in writing which they realize will result in the termination of assistance or decrease in the level of eligibility or amount of assistance.

Exception: For 12-month extended medical assistance (EMA), provide a ten-day ANP when the individual requests termination of benefits.

• The individuals location is unknown, and Division mail is returned by the Postal Service indicating no forwarding address is on file.

• The individual has been accepted for assistance in a new state.

Exception: For 12-month EMA, provide a ten-day ANP when the individual loses New Hampshire residency.

• A child is removed from the home as a result of a judicial determination or is voluntarily placed in foster care by the childs legal guardian.

• The individual is admitted or committed to a public institution and is no longer eligible for public assistance.

• The individual is placed in a nursing facility or requires long-term hospitalization.

• All individuals in the assistance group have died.

• The TANF payee has died and there is no specified relative available to serve as payee.

• The individual has been getting a positive grant adjustment and the adjustment period is complete. Notify the individual in writing, at the start of the adjustment, of the date the adjustment period will end.

• The individual requests in writing to voluntarily initiate, change, or remove a vendor payee, or to change the amount of a vendor payment.

• An individual or assistance group is closed in one case and opened in another, due to administrative procedures, and the eligibility level and benefit amount remain the same.

• For 12-month EMA, there is no ANP for any of the following situations:

- there is no longer a dependent child in the 12-month EMA assistance group,

- the individual does not meet the employment requirements,

- the individual does not file a timely quarterly report, or

- gross earned income, minus child care costs, of all assistance group members exceeds the EMA income limits.