203.11 Transitional Assessment Planning (TAP) SR 08-04, 04/08 (FAM-A)

Every applicant determined eligible for NHEP first receives TAP financial assistance, at least until the end of the month they are determined eligible and receive financial assistance, if the applicant:

• is not fully meeting NHEP hourly participation requirements through employment;

• has not received Financial Assistance To Needy Families in the last calendar month;

• is not receiving child support; and

• has been assessed by the NHEP as not being able to meet work participation requirements;

Recipients of TAP may receive financial assistance for up to 4 months when an adult in the assistance group is pursuing an exemption from NHEP work program requirements due to their own or a family members medical condition. These recipients of TAP will receive a detailed assessment of their medical condition and support in exploring and applying for other forms of financial assistance.

Eligibility Period

Individuals can only receive TAP financial assistance for a maximum of four calendar months in a federal fiscal year (October 1 – September 30). Every year, on October 1, an individuals calendar will start again. Individuals who:

• are pursuing an exemption from NHEP work program requirements due to their own or a family members medical condition, may receive TAP financial assistance up to a maximum of four calendar months in the federal fiscal year; and

• everyone else may receive TAP financial assistance until the end of the month in which they are determined eligible and receive financial assistance.

Recipients of TAP financial assistance transition to another category of Financial Assistance To Needy Families without having to reapply or engage in a personal interview when:

• TAP eligibility ends at the end of:

- the month in which they are determined eligible and receive financial assistance if the individual is not applying for a medical exemption; or

- four months if the individual is applying for a medical exemption and has not received a decision;

• any member of the AG receives child support;

• the AG has received TAP financial assistance for any four months in a federal fiscal year (months do not have to be consecutive); or

• the AG becomes eligible for IDP, UP, or FWOC financial assistance.

Note: Recipients of TAP who are determined exempt from work program requirements by the Division of Adult Learning and Rehabilitation (DALR) will automatically transition to the IDP category of financial assistance, once the decision is entered into New HEIGHTS.