209.15 Incapacity: Determining Incapacity for Parents in Optional Programs SR 00-06, 02/00 (FAM-A)

SR 00-06 Dated 02/00

Previous Policy


An incapacitated parent may apply for ANB, APTD, OAA, or SSI instead of TANF. However, for the purposes of TANF, the incapacity of such parents is established as follows:

. ANB and APTD: An MAB determination of eligibility for these programs is sufficient to categorically establish incapacity status; and

. OAA and SSI: Reaching age 65 does not in itself establish incapacity; OAA individuals must still demonstrate incapacity. However, when SSI is based on disability instead of age, the incapacity is categorically established.

For more information about adult assistance programs, see the Adult Assistance Manual.