209.17 Incapacity: Increased Earnings by an Incapacitated Parent SR 08-04, 04/08 (FAM-A)

When an incapacitated parents earnings or hours of employment increase, it may signal a change in the status of the incapacity. *If the case income exceeds *Financial Assistance To Needy Families limits, *check the case to determine eligibility for MA-only or 12-month extended medical assistance (see Chapter 100, PART 171, EXTENDED MEDICAL ASSISTANCE DUE TO EMPLOYMENT, and PART 173, ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA FOR 12-MONTH COVERAGE).

If the increase in earnings or hours of employment does not exceed Financial Assistance To Needy Families limits, *review the parents incapacity. Check the case for a temporary adjustment period (see Section 209.35, Temporary Adjustment Period).