213.19 Verification of UP Eligibility SR 06-12, 10/06 (FAM-A)

The following special verification requirements must be met to determine eligibility for UP. For initial eligibility, the applicant must provide verification of the following:

• the earnings of each parent for the preceding 24 months prior to the month of application for assistance;

• the number of hours the Principal Wage Earner (PWE) worked—or anticipates working—within the appropriate 30-day period which establishes the PWE as unemployed;

• good cause for the PWEs refusing a true offer of employment or training;

• the work or education history of the PWE, ending within one calendar year prior to the application for assistance;

• the unemployment compensation history of the PWE; and

• a PWEs willingness to apply for and accept unemployment compensation, if eligible.

For continuing eligibility, the individual must provide verification of the following:

• the number of hours the PWE worked in any month for which assistance is requested and the anticipated hours of employment for the following month; and

• a PWEs willingness to apply for and accept unemployment compensation benefits, if newly eligible for those benefits.

When an individual has no way of obtaining written documentation of work or education history, and all avenues for obtaining this information have been exhausted, accept the individuals signed written declaration, unless there is reason to believe the declaration is inaccurate due to inconsistencies in the individuals declaration with:

• other statements made by the individual;

• information provided in current or past requests for assistance; or

• written or verbal information received by the district office from other sources.

Failure to comply with verification requests results in the denial of UP financial assistance for the entire assistance group.