217.01 When Separate Medical Assistance Groups Are Required SR 11-30, 07/11 (FAM-A)

Establish a separate medical assistance group for any of the following situations:

• When the parent/caretaker relative of SSI children is eligible to receive *FANF financial assistance, place the SSI children in a separate medical assistance group.

 Exception: If the SSI children are ineligible for *FANF medical assistance, the parent/caretaker relative is ineligible for *FANF financial assistance.

• When the entire family of an SSI parent is eligible to receive *FANF financial assistance, place the SSI parent in a separate medical assistance group.

• When not all children in a family are eligible for *FANF financial assistance, place the ineligible children in a separate medical assistance group.

• When the family of an unenumerated newborn receives *FANF financial assistance, place the newborn in a separate medical assistance group.

• When a child in the *FANF financial assistance group is on strike the last day of any month and there are other children in the financial assistance group, place the child on strike in a separate medical assistance group.