220.13 Verification Requirements SR 99-03, 02/99 (FAM-A)

Verification requirements for HKS differ from standard verification in the areas of citizenship, social security numbers (SSNs) and wages. These differences are addressed below.


• The District Office cannot require verification of citizenship if the parent declares on the application that a child is a US citizen. However, the parent may voluntarily furnish documentation of the childs citizenship, e.g., by providing a birth certificate to verify the childs age. If the parent declares that the child is not a citizen, the District Office must require documentation to verify the childs alien status according to FAM PART 305.

• The District Office cannot require the furnishing of the childs SSN or proof of application for an SSN as a condition of eligibility. However, the parent may voluntarily furnish documentation of the childs SSN.

• The District Office may only require documentation of the most recent 4 consecutive weeks of earnings rather than 8 weeks.

All other verification requirements applicable to Healthy Kids-Gold medical coverage, including residency, household size, allowable income deductions, and age, must be met.