247.09 Who Is Not Eligible for RCA/RMA SR 10-06, 07/10 (FAM-A)

Refugees who are students in post-secondary institutions are:

• ineligible for RCA; and

• ineligible for RMA unless the individuals studies are part of their refugee work program. The NH Refugee Coordinator will alert DFA if the individuals studies are part of their refugee work program.

RCA applicants who have voluntarily quit employment within 30-days of application for RCA, are not eligible for RCA. A refugee is considered to have voluntarily quit employment when that individual:

• quits a job within 30 days of applying for assistance;

• fails to report to work without good cause, resulting in the termination of the refugee from employment; or

• refuses to accept a suitable job offer within 30 days of applying for assistance.

TANF good cause policy applies to RCA applicants. See Section 315.03, Good Cause for Voluntary Quit, for more information. This sanction only applies to the individual who voluntarily quit employment without good cause.