247.15 Treatment of Grants Received by RCA/RMA Applicants SR 10-06, 07/10 (FAM-A)

Do not count grants received by a refugee in the first month of arrival to help them settle, generally referred to as Reception and Placement grants, in the RCA/RMA eligibility and benefit determination process.

Match grants through the local refugee organization are treated as follows:

• the refugee is ineligible for any financial assistance program offered by the Department, including RCA:

- If an individual is receiving the Match grant, only the individual is ineligible for any financial assistance program and their needs, income, resources, and expenses are disregarded when determining cash eligibility for the other members in the family; or

- If the whole family is receiving the Match grant, the entire group is ineligible for any category of financial assistance.

• counted in full in the eligibility and benefit determination process for Food Stamp benefits and NH Child Care Scholarship; and

• excluded in the eligibility determination process for RMA.