303.09 Out-of-State Recipient Moves into New Hampshire SR 97-38, 10/97 (FAM-A)

When an individual received benefits in another state, coordinate with the out-of-state agency to establish eligibility dates for New Hampshire benefits.

For TANF financial assistance, ensure that the individual did not receive benefits from an out-of-state agency for dates covered by the first assistance from New Hampshire. This is not a requirement for medical assistance.

Contact the out-of-state agency to determine the total number of months the individual was on financial assistance after October 1, 1996, in order to apply those months towards the 60 month lifetime limit.

Impose a 12 month period of ineligibility from date of residency in NH for financial assistance when:

• Applicant was ineligible in another state due to exceeding lifetime limits on receiving assistance, or

• Applicant is a legal alien ineligible in state of previous residence due to that states policy on aliens.

Exception: The 12 month period of ineligibility does not apply when a family has been subject to battering or extreme cruelty. See FAM 133 for specific examples and acceptable documentation.

Establish and verify begin date of actual residency in state so that the 12 month period of ineligibility can be correctly determined. For verification use any document that reasonably establishes start of residency such as rental receipts, school registration records, utility bills, or similar items.