307.07 Financial and Medical Assistance: Public Institutions (New Hampshire Hospital) SR 08-03, 01/08 (FAM-A)

A medical assistance recipient who has been an inpatient at a public institution for 30 days or longer is no longer eligible for benefits. That individual is closed from the case with no advance notice period.

Medical institutions or foster care institutions are not public institutions. A public, as opposed to private, institution is one that is monitored or administered by the government.

New Hampshire has only one public institution, NH Hospital (NHH), which in turn comprises several satellite programs, such as the Anna Philbrook Center.

Prior Financial and Medical Assistance Recipients Released From NHH within 60 Days of Admission

Individuals who are terminated from financial or medical assistance due to admission to NHH and are discharged within 60 days from the date of admission do not have to attend a personal interview to have their eligibility redetermined for financial or medical assistance if the individual:*

• submits a completed Form 782, New Hampshire Hospital Discharge Request for Reinstatement of Financial and Medical Assistance; and

• provides verification of all changes that have occurred since the individuals last redetermination.

Exception: Individuals must reapply for benefits by attending a personal interview and submitting a completed Form 800, Application for Assistance, if any of the following conditions exists:


• the individual fails to provide a completed Form 782 or verification of any change that occurred since the individuals last redetermination;

• a redetermination was due or overdue when the individual was admitted to NHH;

• a redetermination is due the month the individual is discharged from NHH;

• OMBP determined that the individual failed or refused to cooperate without good cause with the medical review process; or

• the individual wants to apply for:

- a category of financial or medical assistance the individual had not received prior to admission; or

- assistance other than financial or medical assistance, such as Food Stamps or Child Care assistance.