311.17 Good Cause for Noncooperation SR 97-03, 02/97 (FAM-A)

The parent/caretaker relative may claim good cause for refusing to cooperate when cooperation would be against the best interests of the child. If the District Office supervisor approves good cause, do all of the following:

• Waive the cooperation requirement;

• Remove the 25% payment standard sanction penalty for noncooperation, if applied; and

• Suspend support activity against the absent parent involved in the claim. However, good cause must be claimed separately for each absent parent.

Until individuals provide the documentation required to prove good cause, (including Form 725, Application for IV-D Services, or Form 726, Grandparent Information), continue to apply the 25% payment standard sanction penalty, unless the individual is filing good cause in anticipation of a future noncooperation. TANF financial assistance, pending a good cause decision, may not be denied, delayed, or terminated if the individual has provided the required documentation.

Provide the individual with Form 754A, Your Right to Claim Good Cause, as follows:

• Give 754A to each applicant for TANF financial assistance at the initial eligibility interview.

• Give Form 754A to current recipients during the paternity investigations by the Support Enforcement Officer and whenever requested by the individual.

Provide Form 781, Good Cause Claim Decision, to advise the individual in writing of the decision made on the good cause claim.