BOARDER INCOME SR 95-59, 10/95 (FAM-A)

Payments made by an individual living in the assistance groups home that are for both lodging and meals.

Treatment: Unearned Income (even if it is an informal arrangement).

Manually reduce boarder income by the greater of:

• maximum monthly food stamp coupon allotment for the number of boarders, or

• actual expenses, if claimed and verified.


An assistance group receives $350 per month from one boarder. The household claims they spend $200 per month in actual expenses.

$350 Boarder payment $350 Boarder payment

-120 Food stamp allotment for one -200 Actual expenses

$230 Countable unearned income  $150 Countable earned income


A boarders payments are excluded when the boarder is included in the assistance group because the boarders income is included in the assistance groups income calculation.