603.01 Earned Income Disregards SR 97-03, 02/97 (EID) (FAM-A)

Apply earned income disregards when determining eligibility for financial assistance for individuals:

• whose needs are included in the grant,

• who meet the categorical requirements for financial eligibility, and

• whose employment-related disregards have not been suspended.

There are two earned income disregards:

• 20% of gross earned income of all applicants who have not received TANF financial assistance within the 6 month period prior to application, and

• 50% of gross earned income of all recipients or applicants who have received TANF financial assistance within the 6 month period prior to application.

Exception: Those applicants who are income eligible for financial assistance using the 20% earned income disregard receive the 50% disregard in place of the 20% in calculating AP benefit levels. See Section 611.01.