603.03 Employment Expense Deduction (EED) SR 06-12, 10/06 (FAM-A)

The EED is only given to certain medical assistance-only groups and in cases of deeming or lump sum calculations. The EED is a flat rate deduction and represents all employment expenses except child care (e.g., federal income tax, FICA, transportation). There is no separate EED used for NHEP, UP, or FAP financial or categorically needy medical assistance eligibility.

For the following types of cases, the EED is a flat rate of $90 per employed individual:

• HKG-185: Healthy Kids-Gold medical coverage for children aged 0-19 with net family income no higher than 185% of federal poverty income guidelines; 

• HKG-300: Healthy Kids-Gold medical coverage for infants up to age 1 with net family income greater than 185%, but no higher than 300%, of federal poverty income guidelines;

• HKS: Healthy Kids Silver medical coverage for children age 1 to 19 with net family income greater than 185%, but less than or equal to 300% of the federal poverty level; and

• MCPW: Medical Coverage for Pregnant Women with net income equal to or less than 185% of the federal poverty income guidelines.

For CSD, HCCSD, and NHEP or FAP medically needy medical assistance, the rate is 20% of individual countable gross earned income. Subtract it only from the individuals own countable gross earned income as the first deduction in calculating their adjusted or net earned income.