603.11 Verification of Deductions SR 12-04, 07/12 (FAM-A)

Verify allowable expenses that would result in a deduction whenever claimed, at redeterminations, and when a change is reported or discovered.

Do not use an unverified expense as an allowable deduction when the individual fails or refuses to provide verification of a claimed expense.

Use third-party documentation to establish the accuracy of statements made by the individual claiming an expense that would result in a deduction.

Exception: In the *Childrens Medicaid (CM) program a verbal declaration satisfies verification requirements for child care expenses and legal wage garnishments.

Acceptable verification documents all of the following:

• type of expense;

• amount of expense;

• frequency of expense;

• amount of any reimbursement for a claimed expense; and

• proof that the expense meets the specific requirements listed for each deduction.