609.01 Averaging Fluctuating Income SR 94-04, 04/94 (FAM-A)

Use the previous 8 weeks income to obtain an average monthly amount.


If the income has been received for less than 8 weeks, use the lesser number of weeks.

• If the previous 8 weeks does not provide a good estimate, use a longer period of time based on the individuals circumstances.

• If the individual is self-employed, use a one-year average.

• If the individual has failed to report significant earned income changes in the previous 12 months, use an average based on the past 3 months. Significant changes include changes which are expected to last into the future or are short-term but last long enough to affect the benefits, including any of the following:

• change in employer(s),

• start or loss of employment,

• change in rate of pay, or

• change in the number of hours worked.