703.01 Purpose SR 97-34, 09/97 (FAM-A)

The Emergency Assistance (EA) program provides assistance in the form of payments for permanent housing.


EA payments for permanent housing allow TANF eligible individuals to obtain or retain safe and healthy housing, limited to rent, mortgage and utility arrearages, rent and utility deposits, and fuel deliveries.

EA payments are also made through the Division for Children, Youth and Families (DCYF), to provide services to children and their families in situations involving: credible reports of child abuse, neglect, and abandonment; imminent risk of a childs removal from the home; and urgent situations where continued presence in the home is not in the best interest of the child. DCYF is responsible for determining eligibility for and authorization of these EA payments. See Section 703.15, 30 Day Authorization Period for Emergency Assistance.

Funds for EA permanent housing payments are capped. Applications for payments received after funds are depleted must be denied.

All EA authorizations for permanent housing must be signed by Division of Family Assistance (DFA) Supervisor who ensures all requirements for the program are met.