703.05 Eligibility Requirements SR 97-34, 09/97 (FAM-A)

Applicants for EA Permanent Housing Payments must be experiencing or threatened by at least one of the following:

• Homelessness;

• Termination of a utility; or

• Lack of heat, hot water, or cooking fuel.

The emergency situation must have not been caused by an adult assistance groups members refusal to accept employment or training.

These applicants must also meet one of the additional conditions below:

• Be eligible for and receiving TANF financial assistance;

• Be categorically and financially eligible for TANF financial assistance, except that the caretaker relative does not meet the definition of a specified relative. However, the children must have lived with a specified relative within 6 months preceding the month of application; or

• Not be receiving TANF financial assistance, but be categorically and financially eligible for it.
