703.07 Emergency Assistance Payment Limits (FAM-A)

Authorize Emergency Assistance funds for permanent housing for the following reasons, but do not exceed the maximum amounts for each service noted below.

• Security deposits to obtain rental housing: The amount of the monthly rent must not exceed 80% of the individuals total available monthly income. Authorize no more than $650 per security deposit. Subsequent security deposits of up to $650 per request can be authorized in a 12 month period provided the full amount of the last deposit authorized in the current 12 month period has been or will be refunded by the former landlord.

• Back rent: Allow back rent, but only the amount required to retain housing. The amount of the monthly rent must not exceed 80% of the individuals total available monthly income. The occupancy period that the rent is intended to cover must have expired. Authorize no more than a two-month arrearage period.

• Mortgage- arrearages: Allow back payments covering principal and interest of a mortgage, but only the amount required to retain housing. The amount of the monthly mortgage obligation must not exceed the individuals total available monthly income. The occupancy period that the mortgage payment is intended to cover must have expired. Authorize no more than a two-month arrearage period.

The following requirements also apply to the authorization of mortgage arrearages:

- the applicant must be an owner of the residence; and

- all joint owners of the residence must sign Form 761, Acknowledgment of Emergency Assistance Lien, or a similar acknowledgment of the placement of a lien on the individuals residence.

• Utility deposits to obtain gas, electricity, and heat. Authorize the amount charged by the utility provider per utility:. Do not authorize any amounts which represent utility arrearages from a previous residence.

• Utility arrearages required to prevent termination of gas, electricity, or heat. Authorize no more than a two-month arrearage period.

• Home heating fuel to provide the individual with heat, hot water, or cooking fuel, but not the cost of electricity required to heat the home: Authorize no more than $450.

Exception: Authorize EA payments when expenses exceed maximum amounts if the criteria in FAM 703.13, When Expenses Exceed Maximum Allowable Amounts, are met.